Not everybody enjoys using keyboard to control certain things but personally I do prefer to combine using my mouse and keyboard. So, here are some hotkeys you can use in Build and/or Live Mode to make some things a bit easier or quicker.
Keep in mind that you can switch between modes using the following hotkeys:
- F1 for Live Mode
- F2 for Buy Mode
- F3 for Build Mode
- F4 will open the Gallery
- Page Up to go up a floor
- Page Down to go down a floor
- Home to bring walls up (cutaway view)
- End to bring walls down
- Esc to deselect latest hotkey
- A to move camera to left (← works too)
- B for the build wall tool
- C to take a screenshot
- D to move camera to right (→ works too)
- E for the eyedrop tool (copy)
- G to turn on / off grid
- H for hand tool
- K for sledgehammer tool (toggle)
- L to toggle between day / night hours
- R for activating the design tool to change color of an object
- S to move camera forward (↑ works too)
- T for changing to top view
- U to move whole house
- V to start / stop recording a video
- W to move camera backward (↓ works too)
- X to zoom out
- Y shows the house "blueprint" and brings on the rotate lot tools
- Z to zoom in
- < to rotate camera counter-clockwise
- > to rotate camera clockwise
- Alt to fill a single wall of a room with a selected wall pattern
- Ctrl while using pool tool to delete pool
- Ctrl while using terrain tool to delete terrain
- Ctrl while using the wall tool to delete a wall
- Ctrl+F to change from quarter to half tile grid snapping and vice versa
- Shift to apply the same wall or floor pattern to the whole room
- [ or ] to reduce / enlarge terrain brush size and change between circle and square
- ; or ' to soften / harden terrain brush
The Sims 4 Objects Placement Tools help you differentiate a bit the way you place the objects.
While in build/buy mode, open the command console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C. Enter bb.moveobjects on cheat to activate it. You can pick up the object you wish to change its placement and perform one of the following actions using your keyboard:
- Alt while holding object and move it outside the grid for off grid placement
- Alt while rotating object for off angle placement. This only works with Sims 3 Camera! You can either change between Sims 3 and Sims 4 Camera from the Game Options Menu or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C
- Backspace while holding an object to place in house inventory
- Del to delete object (Backspace works too)
- Shift while placing an object to keep placing the same object
- 0 or 9 to lower or increase respectively the height the object is placed
- , or . to rotate object and floor tiles
- [ or ] to enlarge or decrease back to the original size of the selected object
- Page Up to go up a floor
- Page Down to go down a floor
- Home to bring walls up (cutaway view)
- End to bring walls down
- A to move camera to left (← works too)
- B to bring the build wall tool
- C to take a screenshot
- D to move camera to right (→ works too)
- G to open / close the aspirations panel
- I to open / close the inventory panel
- J to open / close the career panel
- L to open / close the skills panel
- M to travel / cancel travel
- N to center to selected Sim (Enter works too)
- O to open / close the needs panel
- P to pause / unpause game (0 works too)
- R to open / close the relationships panel
- S to move camera forward (↑ works too)
- U to open / close the clubs panel
- V to start / stop recording a video
- W to move camera backward (↓ works too)
- X to zoom out
- Y to open / close the Simology panel
- Z to zoom in
- Space to select next Sim
- < to rotate camera counter-clockwise
- > to rotate camera clockwise
- Left click on Sim's portrait to select specifi Sims
- Right click on Sim's portrait to follow the specific Sim
- 1 for normal speed
- 2 for fast speed
- 3 for ultra speed
- Esc to bring up the Menu
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